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亞麻仁油鮭魚抹醬 Salmon Rillettes Omega-3 All in One

閱讀全文 亞麻仁油鮭魚抹醬 Salmon Rillettes Omega-3 All in One

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如何做苦茶油雞飯 How to make Chicken Risotto with Camellia Oil -踩油趣食譜


原料 Ingredients:

  1. 米兩杯(大同電鍋杯) Rice
  2. 雞大腿1~2隻 Chicken Legs x2
  3. 苦茶油 Camellia Oil
  4. 薑片 Ginger
  5. 乾香菇 (選擇性) Dried Shiitake Mushroom(optional)
  6. 米酒半杯 Rice Wine
  7. 醬油1/4杯 Soy Sauce
  8. 鹽適量 Salt 1tsp
  9. 去籽紅棗 (選擇性) Dried Red Dates, pitted (optional)
  10. 高麗菜 (選擇性) Taiwanese Cabbage (optional)
  11. 綜合菇類(選擇性) Assorted Mushrooms (optional)
  12. 香菇水+水 => 加總起來共1.5杯 (加上列半杯米酒,共得兩杯水,用來配兩杯米)
  13. 另外,可放一小片當歸,增加風味

閱讀全文 如何做苦茶油雞飯 How to make Chicken Risotto with Camellia Oil -踩油趣食譜

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如何做苦茶油雞 How to Make Stir-Fried Chicken with Camellia Oil- 踩油趣食譜

原料 Ingredients:

  1. 雞大腿 Chicken Thigh x2
  2. 苦茶油 Camellia Oil 15mL
  3. 薑 Ginger
  4. 蒜 Garlic
  5. 蔥 Scallion
  6. 紅椒 Red Pepper
  7. 米酒 Rice Wine 60mL, 2 oz
  8. 醬油 Soy Sauce 30mL, 1 oz
  9. 鹽 Salt 5mL, 1tsp
  10. 糖 Sugar 5mL, 1tsp

閱讀全文 如何做苦茶油雞 How to Make Stir-Fried Chicken with Camellia Oil- 踩油趣食譜

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干貝苦茶油麵線 seared scallops with handmade noodles in herbs and camellia oil-踩油趣食譜

方便快速美味又不失優雅 自用 待客 兩相宜
台灣苦茶油與手工麵線 上得了廳堂 下得了廚房

原料 Ingredients:
1. 冷壓苦茶油 Cold Pressed Camellia Oil 閱讀全文 干貝苦茶油麵線 seared scallops with handmade noodles in herbs and camellia oil-踩油趣食譜